
Webfilters! They are quite annoying especially when you have to do research on a potentially controversial topic in school. Or I guess if you just want to play games, or in some instances, browse this website (it’s blocked at my school for being a “social networking / personal site” or something similar). Interestingly enough, pixiv is blocked at my school, yet Twitter isn’t. How the heck does that even happen?

I guess everyone at school uses Facebook or MySpace or something, so there probably aren’t many people going on Twitter. But I’m sure even less people at school go on pixiv (or even know what it is), so I’m surprised it’s blocked. Anyway, yeah. The daily flash itself isn’t that great, but it does serve as a conversation tool! The topic of discussion is your experience with webfilters! Go!

In related news, I totally made up that “Weblock” thing and the logo, and I thought it was clever because it can be “lock” or “block”! But unsurprisingly, weblock turns out to be a real thing. Maybe not exactly a webfilter, but similar.

51 Responses to “Webfilters”

  • What bugs me more when only certain parts of a webpage are blocked. for example, most of rapidshare is unblocked on my school’s network, but on a couple of occasions, a specific download page will be blocked under the category “remote proxies.” At least be consistent with the blockage!

  • This just brings back so~~~~ many bad memories. But that still shouldn’t be that big a problem cause I think I remember there being like hundreds of sights that let you bypass those little weblocks. And to comment on Chaos42’s comment… funny thing about that, I was trying something out for fun and was actually able to view… ahem, inappropriate sites <_<

  • we dont have webfilters….but.. we can’t right click. or use alt+ctrl+dlt..
    if a program crashes..it basically stays in the taskbar forever..until you turn off th pc.

  • There were no webfilters in college but back in my time, our high school had 56K. We would be caught accessing anything that was not school related before it could fully load.

    Dial-up: best webfilter ever!


  • I hate the webfilter at my school… it can never seem to make up its mind

    Seriously… sometimes youtube is blocked, sometimes not… stuff like that

  • Since I Failed To Come Up With a Comment For this particular Subject I will Simply share my Suggestion To KirbyM…Do A Flash About evil Twins.
    I can See it Now KirbyM’s Evil Twin KirbyW Owner of the Anti-Touhou Website Malfas Features include Weekly Flashes And A Game called Create.Anime/Swf In which you Can Create Characters Using Parts From Multiple Animes And Mangas.
    LoL Bordom.

  • it seems like every person in this flash with the exception of one frame have the same expression

  • Naughty, naughty.

    Your school knows about Pixiv?

  • Hey! I can access Walfas at my university!
    HOWEVER, they don’t have flash players on the computers. >.<

  • The only stuff that gets filtered on my college’s Ethernet network and WiFi hotspots are potentially damaging websites, as well as block things like Bittorrent, and if we try to use Messenger video or voice, we can only talk to others who are on the same network.

    I doubt that’s the case for Skype though.

  • NoWaiThatsImpossible:O

    ugh i hate webfilters : <” luckily they havent blocked this site from my school yet x.x”

  • pixiv must be blocked at your school because it has pr0n in it.


  • I am glad I have home-internets now :3

    *Francis-voice* I hate webfilters!


  • … er, that was supposed to be 14-in-a-circle … nyoro~n …

  • hmm, it would have been even more clever if you made the keyhole look more like a “B”, that way, it would be “We(B)lock”, B being the keyhole drawing. And if they didn’t understand the B thing, it would just read as “We Lock” as in “We Lock Everything”, we being ur school. Don’t mind me, just drunk-typing =3

  • Come to think of it, there WERE filters at my college but apparently I had none as the campus IT made exceptions for CS/CIS majors and “you would just get around it anyway.” That made torrenting fun and some MMOs a lot more enjoyable.

  • I can see walfas, Muffin’s page and my favorite forums at school, even pages that I’m not interested in like FaceBook (change photos every now and then? so annoying for me), metroflog, blah blah… but I hate that YouTube is blocked! Bah, nothing that a good hack program can’t handle~

  • Lol, I can get on pixiv at my school.

    Predictably, I found this out when my friends were looking up hentai beside me.

    Then I introduced them to the armpit tag.

  • Most of the time, organizations like school boards and companies will subscribe to a service that dynamically updates lists of filtered sites. They do this because having one employee in a single company dedicated to keeping tabs on a black-list for just that company would be a logistical nightmare. It easier to just have outsource that duty to a company that specializes in it.

    Just because your foot has more toes then your school has kids who have heard of pixiv doesn’t change anything. If someone at the webfilter company thinks pixiv should be blocked for reasons of HENTAI, then every single one of their subscribers is going to have pixiv on their blacklist.

  • NOO! I needz my AWESOME!

  • Twitter isn’t blocked on our school computers too :\
    We have the “embc” blocker I believe
    (Btw, a tip to get onto facebook is to add an “s” after “http” on the address so “https” weirdly it works.)

  • @Arlekin: I call it “Cara de Libro”.

    @Jay: Oh right, “your friends”, of course. ( ≖‿≖) fufufufu‎‏

  • The solution is to set up a proxy server at home and access it through ssh :3

  • Webfilters are the spawn of the devil. Thye only help about 27% of the time.

  • Heh, this reminded me of the Flash about censoring.

    @Bill: 52% of statistics are made up on the spot.

    @Fubu72: 「ともーじゃん」? Makes me imagine 「と思うじゃん」. =P

  • Oh, I HATE webfilters.
    Our school webfilter blocks Walfas, but not the Jul forums (http://jul.rustedlogic.net/) that I visit regularly. Tacking “https://” on instead of http:// works sometimes, but other times I have to dig up a proxy from camoList and hope it works.
    Thank goodness I’m graduating in a month…

  • Webfilters are rather troublesome. And sometimes even proxies are blocked. It’s more troublesome when Google’s blocked too. (Even though Google Translate sometimes screws up the page and doesn’t always work to something or other.)

  • Interestingly enough, Shanghai Alice is blocked at my school for having “mature content” or whatnot.

  • you dont know how many times i pushed the go back button but it wouldnt unlock D: i am such a (9) (is to lazy to try to find that 9ball symbol someplace)

  • Walfas got blocked on our school computers after I started going on it. Hooray me.

  • So one day the webfilters blocked the schools own website. But 4chan was not blocked. Best screen shot ever. I second 古手 Just set up a proxy server and bingo. Used to be able to get around it just by useing the sites ip.

  • Wow, school laptops. Such a rich school.

    I don’t know if my school had filters like that, the net connection was awful, it never really worked fine. I don’t know who made that, but when I checked the connection settings, it was so disgustingly made, I don’t know how it worked before. Well, for filtering it worked perfectly because there was no net at all. :D
    Then I overridden every sh*t and enabled full connection to the computer I usually used. Nobody noticed it. Of course that school was full of computer ⑨s.

    But I never heard about being filters in schools here. Maybe because I live in an Eastern-European country where everything is legal. (Random quote from my IT teacher: “Ok, from next lesson we’ll be working with Microsoft Office, so if you don’t have it, go to “this and this warez site” and download it!.”)

  • @Moku: That sounds like it was awesome.

  • I hear some people protest against webfilters because they go against freedom of speech… or one of those “freedom of —” things anyway…

  • We have no computers in my school, so there is no web filter LOL

  • @Moku: nyoro~n :3c

    But yeah lol the school blocked itself.

  • @Solais: We in my country almost have the same though about it. Even more, they teach us how to install Windows UE… That’s piracy!… not that I’m complaining having all that info and ware at hand -.-”

    Well, actually I saw a lot of porn in the classroom, not me of course, I hate it for burning down many computers before my eyes. There isn’t actually weblocking neither any internet security at all -.-”
    I had to actually restore many systems there, destroy viruses and make sure to do not bring them home -.-“

  • At my uni the filters don’t outright block access to websites, they just make them load painfully slow (waiting 23 minutes to fully load a 3 min. youtube clip is NOT fun). However, they remove the filters during the night for those who stay in the uni and for those who leave stuff downloading overnight. Also, funnily enough, the website of a rival uni is one of the filtered sites XD

  • Nico nico video isn’t block.

  • i usually use one of my endless stream of proxies to bypass the filters :P

  • @SomethingUnreal: Awesomely enough, you got right something I (and maybe many others) didn’t understand at first sight (audition?).

    @Cadmas: Walfas characters have suggestive bodies and can affect the growth of a sane child mind! (what)
    It also has that miko showing her bare armpits and lights fire on anything without a reasonable reason! (reasonable reason and people die when they are killed as well as there’s no point in pointless violence)

    Think about the children! And the polar bears!

  • At my school, TVtropes.org is filtered, I got really bored one day because of that :(

  • @ChuBakaThe⑨
    And the site would be called Saflaw. can see the horror now…
    It would be awesome if there was actually something like that,Lol

  • @MarisaMuffin – It was!
    @Akiraita – *eats smoked cheese*

  • At my school, one day I was really bored so I went too see what was blocked and what wasn’t.
    My own website (which was for a school project!) was blocked for pornography. WTF. The teacher said that any website with a name in it is blocked for porn automatically. I don’t get that one.
    On the other hand, Deviantart and smartbitchestrashynovels.com are not blocked, and that second one curses in the url. Our schools’ blocking system amazes me.

  • @kitsunehanyou09: I think your school has the right idea about that stuff, frankly. :P

  • FF.net is blocked at my school for containing “sexual material”. Meh. DeviantArt is blocked for “nudity”. Meh. Sankaku Complex is blocked for pornography. Meh. The last two I understand why (but DeviantArt has a filter dammit!) but why FF.net? This is just plain weird… Meh.

  • Someone up there said pixiv had porn so it would be blocked… And guess what? No block! What’s wrong with you, you stupid web filter?!?!?!

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