Fire drills

So today we had a fire drill at school, and all I was thinking the whole time was “hey this would make a great flash, because everyone knows that fire drills are stupid and nobody really takes that long to get out of a building or takes the time to stand in an organized line” so I decided to make a flash about it! I think that from now on, I’ll make flashes based my daily life instead of just telling you about them, because it’s so much more interesting that way. Maybe it’ll become a daily thing (on school days anyway)! But maybe not.

6 Responses to “Fire drills”

  • Indeed. I had a fire drill the day before yesterday.

    Of course in the trailer things, it only takes about 20 seconds for the whole place to catch on fire. The place I stayed at camp (which was made out of wood, srsly wtf?), the person told us it only took about 50-140 seconds for the whole place to light on fire and that the only thing protecting the wood from the fire was white paint. Which was why I was punished with extra things that I had to do because I hanged my clothes near a light-bulb and they were like “That is a fire hazard”. I talked back and said “Well making this whole place out of flamable wood is also a fire hazard.”

    It was sad :(

  • Every time I see the word “fire drill” on this site, I think of actual drills, for some reason. And they’re in flames. I don’t know why. It didn’t happen before I posted this!

  • I had a lockdown drill today! If some guy with a gun comes into our school, we’re supposed to lock the doors, shut off the lights, close the blinds and hide in a corner. If you had gym and were running outside on the track, you have to sit on the bleachers lawl. Yes, because you’re going to be perfectly safe sitting on the bleachers in the case of a real emergency. =\

  • We had a fire drill a week ago!

  • We had a fire drill and just sat there. Then our teacher yelled out, “Do you want to burn you suicidal freaks?!” After that we all slowly walked outside for 20 mins.

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