
Integrals are fun! It’s like backwards math! But this flash isn’t really about integrals. Most of the flashes aren’t really about what the title says they’re about. Although I guess that’s fairly obvious by now. I don’t know why I even bothered mentioning it, but I did. And yeah.


Bleh, homework took a lot longer than I expected it to. I should really stop taking naps after coming home from school. I even specifically told myself that I wasn’t going to take a nap today, but I ended up doing it anyway. Oh well. Here’s a flash about beggars. Sort of.


My dad decided to buy me a tablet yesterday, even though I was a bit indifferent about getting one. Just like the time he bought this laptop (which I am currently using). He was just like “Hey, do you want to buy one of those computer drawing things?” and I was like “I dunno” and then he took me to Staples to buy one. It’s an Intuos 3 4×6.

It was pretty expensive, like $200ish. I have no idea why my parents insist on buying expensive things, but I guess it’s because I never really buy anything anyway (and this is supposedly a Christmas present, even though it’s not even December yet). Apparently it’s for professionals, which makes me feel sorta bad (well, maybe not bad, but I can’t find a word) for owning one because I don’t know enough about tablets to really appreciate all the extra… uhh… whatever special things it has. It’s like giving a super high-speed internet connection to someone who only uses it to check email. Oh well, it’s pretty nice.

It took me awhile to get used to, and I basically just experimented with using it in Flash. I think the first thing I actually wrote with the tablet is what you see in the second frame, and that was before I realized I had to install something to make the tablet work properly. So anyway, this daily flash is basically me drawing and writing random things with the tablet. And it has 113 frames.




Here’s some sort of Touhou MAD with what seems to be non-Touhou music. Well, I guess technically it’s three different MADs in one video. The first one is a short 20-second clip with a lot of flickering lights, the second one has really shiny lighting and some Chinese song, and the third one is the Scarlet Devil Mansion… and it’s very red, with some Ragnarok Online music. The Scarlet Devil Mansion one is actually sorta creepy, at least compared to most other depictions I’ve seen. Pretty nifty camera techniques in all of them.


Added Orange to create.swf! She’s actually one of the few PC-98 characters I actually knew about before I started adding PC-98 characters to create.swf, but that was only because she looked like Meiling.