A Bunch of Touhou Videos


Oh, the wonders of two-frame animation. What would we ever do without it?

I guess I’ll also include three other videos in this post, since they’re all kinda short. Sort of.

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Added Kotohime to create.swf, with a police hat, badge, and nightstick. Because apparently she’s a police officer or something. Or maybe she just calls herself that.


And this is why Hina spins.

Touhou YMCA

It’s Touhou YMCA! And the line about hanging out with all the boys probably doesn’t apply here, because… Touhou doesn’t really have any. Well, maybe Rinnosuke, but he’s a man.

Anyway, didn’t have too much time to make a daily flash today (when I got home, I slept a lot longer than I thought I would have, and homework took awhile), although I didn’t actually have an idea for one until just a few minutes ago. But now it’s too late. So yeah.

Math Jokes

It’s funny because it’s incorrect!