Well, as of today, Walfas has been around for a year. It’s hard to imagine that it’s been around for that long, but it has! Over the course of the past year, I’ve made a bunch of stuff. The site started out as one of those random blogs about random things, but it turned into a random blog about random things… made in flash! That, and Youtube videos.
With over 140 daily flashes and almost 30 Touhou-based flashes, you can probably spend hours and not see everything there is to see (not to mention all the experimental flashes that aren’t even listed on the Flash page). I picked out some of the stuff I think is worth seeing, so if you’re relatively new to the site or haven’t seen these before, now would be a good time to do so. The rest of this blog post is pretty much a recap of the past year, and contains a ton of links.
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