Yukkuri Toaster

It takes bread and makes it into Yukkuri.

Compare it to his first one, which was less… working.


Added Utsuho to create.swf, with a nuclear sector background and a nuclear reactor object. I also made some items/accessories into objects, and added a red oval as an object. Yes, a red oval. Like a pool of fruit punch or something of a similar color. Anyway, here’s Thefre’s changelog:

=New Features
-Shift [ and ] will now cycle through only pinned objects.
-There is now an option to make pinned objects keylocked so that keyboard shortcuts won’t affect them.
-There is now an option to make pinned objects untargetable by mouse click.

Thefre has also made a guide to using the cropper tool to make comics with create.swf!

Secret Identities


Cirno Windchime

It’s the strongest windchime!

Piano Playing

You know, I’m surprised it took this long for me to bring this up in a daily flash.

And here’s an alternate version. (Caution: The background changes colors!)