【MAD】 U.N.Owen was her? And Then There Were None

?MAD? U.N.Owen was her? And Then There Were None

Here is a nifty U.N.Owen was her (EastNewSound group arrange) video from KamiNekoYu!



Here is a video of Machiya playing Native Faith. He also has a face mask, yay! In other news, hooray, beginning of a 4-day weekend!

Daily Flash #300

After many weeks of procrastination, here is the 300th daily flash! 300 frames of random drawings and text. It took quite awhile because I was procrastinating.

“Vampirish Night” Demo movie

“Vampirish Night” Demo movie

Okay so I ended up procrastinating all day again (this procrastination is not new and yet I am still surprised when it’s 11:30PM and I don’t have anything) so here is a video trailer-sort-of-thing for some neat-looking danmaku game with Flandre in it.

Toaster Animation

So here’s a really quickly-done toaster animation because I got out of school at about 9PM today because of a required seminar (once per semester) about public speaking or whatever, and didn’t have too much time to make something else. Hooray!