California trip

(More images in the image directory)

Oh boy, California! I was there for the past week or so with my mom, from the 11th to the end of the 16th. Here is a small fraction of the pictures I took, and extended descriptions of each day can be found in the full post.

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Videos for Jan 17, 2009

I have returned from California! Expect a post about it tomorrow. As for now, this week’s videos: awesome 3D Utsuho vs Reimu danmaku battle, Souryu playing a Demetori song, Remilia and Flandre (and Patchouli) playing instruments, Minoriko driving to RED ZONE (there is an extra bonus for watching it on Nicovideo), and then some sort of Flandre thing.

Also, you may have noticed some spam comments on the site. The Akismet spam-detection plugin stopped working on this site for whatever reason (I don’t know why), but hopefully it will be fixed soon! In the meanwhile, I’ll have to mark and delete spam comments myself.





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Yukari Popup

Scheduled post number five (the last one)! Yukari popping up randomly around the screen. Yay.

Anyway, today is the day I return from California! Flight takes off at 10PM Pacific time, and I should be back in New York at about 6AM Eastern time on the 17th! Then it’s back to college on the 19th. Great!

Yuka Watering

Scheduled post number 4! At first, this was an animation of Yuka watering some rapidly-growing sunflowers, but then I looked at the name I chose (yuka_watering.swf) and thought “Hmm, it makes it seem like Yuka is the one being watered,” and suddenly I got the idea of Yukas being watered by other watered Yukas! Hooray! Anyway, the original version of the flash can be found in the full post:

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Rainbow Danmaku

Scheduled post number three! Some sort of rainbow danmaku thing. You can click to start shooting some rainbow danmaku from your mouse cursor, and press left or right to switch backgrounds (taken from create.swf). It’s kinda fun to play around with! At least in my opinion, anyway.