Search Results for 'reimu'

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Videos for Feb 7, 2010

Today’s videos post consists of a nicely-animated Toho Kinema Kan PV, a parody of Alice SOS OP by Urushi, Kogasa cooking, some sort of Owata PV thing, a Hina PV, Flan, Remi, and Patchy bittan bittan, and then a bunch of other videos related to a Nico meme involving fish.

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(Nicovideo / Comparison)

Continue reading ‘Videos for Feb 7, 2010’

Create.swf – Mima (Revised)

Added a revised version of Mima to create.swf. Other stuff:

Objects: organs, arm (long sleeve), magic stone, soccer ball, archery bow, arm (short sleeve)
Hats: Dunce cap, MGS Cyborg-Ninja
BG: Gothic Cemetery

Shinki’s ahoge, magic stone, and the arms are colorable. Also added a short-haired version of revised Reimu’s hair (it’s not a preset though).

Videos for Jan 24, 2010

Two videos! Orin dancing and a really short Reimu car-driving RED ZONE thing.





Oh, and also requested for today’s video post was a translated version of “The Cursed Tape Enters Gensokyo”. I haven’t really watched them, but here they are: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3A, Part 3B

Videos for Jan 17, 2009

I have returned from California! Expect a post about it tomorrow. As for now, this week’s videos: awesome 3D Utsuho vs Reimu danmaku battle, Souryu playing a Demetori song, Remilia and Flandre (and Patchouli) playing instruments, Minoriko driving to RED ZONE (there is an extra bonus for watching it on Nicovideo), and then some sort of Flandre thing.

Also, you may have noticed some spam comments on the site. The Akismet spam-detection plugin stopped working on this site for whatever reason (I don’t know why), but hopefully it will be fixed soon! In the meanwhile, I’ll have to mark and delete spam comments myself.





Continue reading ‘Videos for Jan 17, 2009’



(Nicovideo / Original)

A 3D version of that Reimu Night of Nights thing! Since I spent the whole day writing an essay (well, most of it was figuring out what to write) on Doctor Faustus, this content of this post is pretty much pre-prepared! All right!