Early dismissal

I think it’s important to note that this actually happened today. It was pretty funny when it happened. And then a teacher asked some guy if he was going to the bathroom, and he was all “No, I’m going home.” I felt like I needed to include that in there too. Also, it’s hooooooooot. Cooler temperature is one of the many reasons why I like winter more than summer.

22 Responses to “Early dismissal”

  • Marissa Stole The 1957 Buick

    Unnamed Character totally missed the bus on that one.

  • Liberal bathroom breaks rule!

    Did they let you out early due to finals?

  • being let out early due to heat is multicolored AWESOME!

  • We get half days because of finals, though.

  • I miss high school. :(

  • plausible deniablity. Got to love it.

  • *pets Pingy* Yeah … My Comparative Religion had class in the basement today. And we’re going to be having it the rest of the time, too.

  • Hooray for bathroom breaks!

  • We were let out at 11:00 today. Does this kind of thing only happen in New York? It probably gets this hot all of the time in Hawaii or Texas.

  • I miss high school too…

  • My coach would just let us sit in his office and play video games.

  • School never let’s out early where I’m from just because of some heat. Even if it’s over 100 (though I don’t remember the last time it was that hot around here during school).

  • Heh, we’re actually going through a “cold wave” here. We’ve had snow as late as April when we usually don’t have any snow at all, and the temperature is mild even here in June.

    …You don’t think Yuyuko stole our Spring, do you?

  • Summer’s still here (though it’s about to end) and every day the temperature’s like, 33 degrees celsius or something. Given that our classrooms are air-conditioned though, well… :3

  • That’s just genious, I wish that would happen over here… that would definetly make my day.

  • I wish we had liberal bathroom breaks

  • Yeah it’s been a weird spring here in So. Cal. Overcast until noon, then about a half hour of nice sun, then GRAAHH MY SKIN BURNS!

  • inlineatthemorgue

    That’s like the time I went to an inter-city school for a summer workshop and I was all “Damn it is too hot in this school, don’t you guys have air conditioning?”. Everyone there game me this look like “wtf you have air conditioning in your school??”

    Yeah that’s what I get for unwillingly going to a rich private school for >12 years of my life.

  • Even though my school had a partial day due to the heat, barely anyone showed up to class anyway. They mind as well have given my school its unused snow days back.

  • My history teacher freshman year did that to let us out 10 minutes early from the final.
    “I’m not allowed to let you out early. But hey, there’s only 10 minutes left, so if you have to go to the bathroom, you should probably take your backpack with you since the bell’ll probably ring by the time you get back.”
    Sadly, only I and two other people got it and left.

  • Hey! Walrus dude!

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