Well, the entire senior grade had a hiking trip today. We took the Metro-North train to some place upstate, and then we hiked. It was a very long hike. And everyone was tired. I took too many pictures on the train, so my camera ran out of batteries before we even got to the hill (it was more like a small mountain), so I didn’t get any pictures of the view at the top, which is a shame because it was a really nice view. I basically spent the entire trip regretting the fact that I didn’t recharge my camera’s batteries the night before. We ate lunch at the top, and then walked down on a different path, for some reason. It took a long time to get down, mostly because we had no idea where we were going.
We missed the 3 o’ clock train by about fifteen minutes, so we had to wait for the 4 o’ clock one. Everyone was sweaty and thirsty, so a bunch of us went to some ice cream store to get some drinks… and ice cream. That line in that place was super long, and may have possibly been that store’s busiest day ever. We got on the train, and I saw all these signs that said “Watch the gap” that I wanted to take pictures of, but I couldn’t because of my lack of batteries. I got someone else to take a picture of it, though (I told them not to ask why). We got back to the city at 5 something, and then I went home and slept for like two hours. It’s a good thing I finished most of my homework yesterday.
Anyway, no daily flash for today, just this drawing.
Hooray I am first!
*pets Pingy* Yay hiking!
Also, I am calling for help for Nameless Character and her friends! *worries they are lost in the woods!*
Those rocks loock pointy.
So where’s the picture of the sign?
Are you guys not aware that they ate the swedish fish again?! Suddenly! COLORS EVERYWHERE!
Watch the Gap O_o Best Sign EVar
The Watch the Gap picture needs Yukari photoshopped into it! Or something.
Woooooooooo! Hiking!!!
Claiming more territory for the Scarlet Devil Mansion!!!! _
the price for ads on the right just increased by 100%! now its 20 cents!
Taking a photo of “Watch the gap”… lmao. It reminds me of the time I took a photo of a road sign for a road called “Luna Place”.
Yay, hiking! Look out for bears!
@SomethingUnreal: I saw a road sign once, it said “Spartan Road”. I think you can imagine what went through my mind when I saw that :3
@Anonymous: Best road sign ever.
I didn’t realize what was so funny about the watch the gap thing at first, then I saw the actual sign and laughed.
well, at least you got some ice cream out of it :3
I don’t know how, but you always manage to make all these trips and stuff sound really awesome…
The watch the gap thing remembers me once I saw in school an ad that seriously said “WaNt To LeArN tO tYpE iN cOoL wAyS? We EnCoUrAgE cReAtIvItY iN (name)! cAlL nUmBeR (number) oR vIsIt Us At (real-life address time)”
on that request thread at Poolshmer someone put up a picture of a train station where writing on the floor said “Mind the Gap” and requested Yukari get photoshopped in.
I think I have that somewhere… It was amusing.
You wouldn’t happen to mean this one, would you?
Yeah, except that you use normal-HTML for links.
@Immac: Wow, that’s the same sort of sign I wanted to take a picture of. It was on the side of the train, near the door. And uhh… after searching on google, I just realized it’s not that hard to find a picture of that exact type of sign.
@Imperishable Fairy: This trip was definitely not awesome. It was really tiring. In fact, I’m still tired today. Well, the only awesome part was being at the top of the hill/mountain/thing, or sitting on the train. It was nice being in an actual train for once, because we’re always so used to being in crowded subways and whatnot.
@Project_Mars, Jan-san: Yeah, that’s the image I was thinking of when I saw the sign. They also had “watch the gap” written on the ledges of the train entrances, which I also wanted to take pictures of.
If you stare at the gap long enough, you start to see the eyes from Yukari’s gaps. Then you loose your mind.