
Well, this one turned out way differently than what I had originally planned. The newspaper in here is a reference to AM New York, a free newspaper that they hand out around subway stations in the morning. Since it’s free, they get their money from advertising, and there are a ton of ads all over the newspaper. Most people just take a newspaper from whoever is passing them out, and then throw it away when they get to the nearest trash can. Last year when I used to go to school at a normal time (as in “not zero-period gym”), I’d often see these newspapers littered all over the sidewalk/street floor, on stairs, on subway seats, and especially around the trash can right outside the subway station entrance. Uhh… where was I going with this again? I have no idea. Oh yeah, we also took our senior portraits today. The waiting took forever.

Anyway, added Collateral Damage Studios to the links on the right. It has artwork and stuff. Yeah!

Update: Someone made a Japanese translation of this daily flash on Nicovideo.

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