Well, we had a snow day today, which I find strange because we never really get snow days (since the subway makes it really easy to get around). So I spent some time making this. It’s kinda like this really old platformer test except it has Youmu and is better. But it’s still not a full game or anything, though. There are only three screens, and only two of them have actual enemies (FOEs that don’t move). Also, you can have negative health because I forgot to add a thing to check if your HP is zero, and I don’t really feel like doing that right now. Yeah.
Well, we had a snow day today, which I find strange because we never really get snow days (since the subway makes it really easy to get around). So I spent some time making this. It’s kinda like this really old platformer test except it has Youmu and is better. But it’s still not a full game or anything, though. There are only three screens, and only two of them have actual enemies (FOEs that don’t move). Also, you can have negative health because I forgot to add a thing to check if your HP is zero, and I don’t really feel like doing that right now. Yeah.
58 Responses to “Youmu Platformer”
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Yay Youmu!
I played through this once or twice, and somehow managed to get Youmu stuck facing the wrong way. That is, if I pushed to move her right, she’d face left, and vice-versa, always facing backwards. This made it tricky to hit stuff; she can slash tall grass right behind her, but FOEs have to be in front of her. I think it might have had something to do with using the down arrow; it doesn’t seem to have a use, since you just move left, right and down, so I tried pushing it to see if Youmu crouched or something. Apparently, it confused her.
Wow, I feel like a genuine play-tester or something.
@Sprocket: Hmm, I should probably remove the down-arrow image in the first screen. Also, the facing wrong way thing happens if you’re facing left and press the spacebar to go back to the first screen. It should be fixed now.
It’s scary how all of NYC got snow days, and us upstate people barely got any snow -_- (just subzero temperatures) I want a snow day! =[
Best game ever.
Do you know what this is missing?
I got a fever … and the only cure … is MORE YOUMU!
Very cute. ^^
Also I ran into a glitch where I hit spacebar as soon as I entered the third screen, and then Youmu appeared on the first screen but she was off screen on the left and only her sword was sticking out, then I walked a bit and she fell off into the bottomless pit.
The wrong-way problem does indeed appear to be fixed. Well done! The game appears unable to decide if FOEs take one or two hits to destroy, however. Is it a matter of proximity?
…wow, if this ever gets completed, I might even get a beta-testing credit! Along with everyone else on this page, but hey.
Yea the middle of her sword seems to do more damage than near the end.
I beat it as a pacifist! No miss! And no bombs! (because there aren’t any yeah) I’m good at this.
Youmu is immortal because, uhh, she doesn’t have her ghost half with her yeah so she can’t fully die.
It needs platforms.
Other than that, I can’t wait to see a completed version.
Okay to elaborate on the glitch
On the last screen, if you walk as far right as possible and restart, you’ll appear in screen 2 intead of 1. If you walk as far left as possible and restart, you’ll be at screen 1, but Youmu will be nowhere to bee seen. If you press forward, she falls from the sky, if you press back, she’s gone forever.
And this game still lacks Myon :V
@Sillymuffin: You’re stealing my words…again.
That was epic! Hehehe!
I played without reading the “instructions”… I lol’d when I hitted negative HP… maybe you can add a clock just to see who can slash more FOEs in less time (mmh… for some reason I thought of a 2P Sakuya…)
Oh, as long as we’re lol playtesting, I did a speedrun of the game, abusing the option by right clicking and rewinding whilst at the end of the last screen. Allowed me to completely bypass the first screen.
I’ve got to record this and put it on speeddemosarchive.com
Hehe… Myon is missing…
You have to post the fla if you finish it.
To give me add-on to suikama’s glitch
If you go to the left side of the second screen and hold the left and up arrow keys and then press space, Youmu will jump in midair. After the third air jump Youmu will be gone forever TT_TT . Two air jumps leave you where you would be if you had pressed space on the left side of the third screen.
Lot’s of cool people! I am Uni! Make sure you post in the introduction thread. kbye
I got -20 hp.
Must cut more grass using her epic lawn mowing skills!
This reminds me of this
Hooray video games!
even in Youmu’s platform game, FOE!
cutting grass reminded of a Zelda game. Youmu needs a spinning charge attack. And Myon.
Oh wow. This just makes me smiled. I kept playing it few times.
(Play again)
This is eerily addictive. There’s very little substance or point, but I could go on slashing stuff with Youmu for at least 10 minutes.
Wow, I played this for awhile. It gets very addictive. I just love slashin’ stuff
Expand on that straight away I loved it.
Myon will be a powerup gained after defeating the first boss. It will act like a Gradius option, circling Youmu and firing a slow homing projectile with each attack. I guarantee it.
All you need to do is make like Rupees come out of the grass when you slash it and it’ll be complete. :D
Awesome game.
It would be awesome if she could use the sword while walking though.
Instead of cutting the grass Youmu should style it. Into grass versions of create.swf people. She is a gardener after all.
If you get down to zero health, and you run into an enemy again, you go into the negatives!
Already into -102 health.
You know the first two FOEs in the first screen? It’d be cool if you could get between them and get bounced around in some sort of crazy infinite loop. That would be funny.
Although after you get negative HP even less than Letty’s it might start to get a little annoying. A little.
Also you probably already knew this but you can OHKO the FOEs if you slash when you’re right next to them rather than when you’re further away :O
@A-person-named-Letty: I’ll only be impressed once your HP is UNDER NEGATIVE NINE THOUSAAAAAAND!!!
Alot of Potential actually…
So, does this mean the next big Touhou flash will be a minigame?
Also, if http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/nm5823992 hasn’t been posted here already then it BETTER be.
“Also, you can have negative health”
Youmu is half-ghost, than it’s aaaaaaaaalright.
The controls are quite soft.
Regardless of how short, it was still fun :D
@MarisaMuffin: Enjoy
and i got the high score of ⑨⑨⑨⑨
or i just had nothing better to do with my time
@Alto: Can you do Za Warudo? The price of that epic score must be lots of free time…
I just added a bunch of random grass to the third screen
for no apparent reasonso Youmu can be a gardener. Now the purpose of this game is to get to the third screen to cut down the grass! And then repeat!Space bar bring up nothing!
as in the first screen but without youmu
I also note that Youmu’s hitbox is tiny. Hooray!
@E-Mouse: Weird Al + Touhou = Epic Win
And of course, the freeze-frame messages there for each and every item Nitori gets (and wow, is it tricky to see them all) are a fun bonus.
@E-mouse: I’ve been searching for that vid. Thank you
@KirbyM: Well, Youmu was already a gardener. Of a 200 yojanas long garden. And now you give her grass to cut. Poor Youmu.
I noticed… I noticed! That…. That! YOUMU’S JUMPING MARIO STYLE!!