I don’t really know why this is titled “Sakuyaaa” when something like “Remiliaaa” would probably be better suited, but that’s what I named the file originally, so that might be why. Sakuya has long sleeves simply because it’s easier to animate long sleeves, and Remilia has a stuffed bunny because it’s a generic little-kid toy. Probably bought from the Eientei gift shop as a souvenir after Imperishable Night, assuming there is such a thing as an Eientei gift shop. It’s probably well-hidden, which is why nobody knows about it. Hmm, interesting… the focus of this post seems to have suddenly shifted to gift shops.
I don’t really know why this is titled “Sakuyaaa” when something like “Remiliaaa” would probably be better suited, but that’s what I named the file originally, so that might be why. Sakuya has long sleeves simply because it’s easier to animate long sleeves, and Remilia has a stuffed bunny because it’s a generic little-kid toy. Probably bought from the Eientei gift shop as a souvenir after Imperishable Night, assuming there is such a thing as an Eientei gift shop. It’s probably well-hidden, which is why nobody knows about it. Hmm, interesting… the focus of this post seems to have suddenly shifted to gift shops.
And it’s almost time for yet another Touhou-related event! This time Talka will be at Akatsuki no Utage (translated to “Scarlet Moon Ball”), selling these create.swf file folders! Same type as last time, just with a different design. The front has Windows characters (not including characters from the UFO demo), and the back has some PC-98/Other characters. Of course, there’ll be stuff from previous events as well. The event is on May 6th (?????????) and the booth location is at ?11. There, I bolded the important parts so that non-English speakers can easily find what they need to know!
Anyway, more information can be found on ddiction. Actually, I guess there’s less information on there than there is on here, but that’s okay.
Today’s videos! First video is Kero?Destiny on the electric guitar, next is Meiling’s theme on the reed organ (side note: it’s by reine-musik, the host of the Aki sisters anthology), then a Po Pi Po parody starring a very feminine-looking Rinnosuke (probably because it was based on Hatsune Miku), a Yukkuri-related video by the creator of the Reimu Night of Nights video, Chen Un-Tan (the original video on Nico has an interesting extra in the adbox), and kyu-kyu-kyu-nya with Yukari and Reimu.
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