
Added Layla Prismriver to create.swf. Well, since there isn’t really any official artwork, this is mostly just based on fan art, but yeah. So anyway, now I don’t know who else to add until TH12 is out. I don’t particularly want to add ZUN as a create.swf character since he’s a real person (as far as I know) and that’d be weird, so maybe I’ll just make a bunch of backgrounds and items/objects. And maybe some hats in the empty slots for characters who don’t have hats (maybe a ZUN hat). Any suggestions?

18th Birthday

I guess today would be a good time to link to this old daily flash about birthdays, because today is my 18th birthday! That is all.


Maybe “antiprocrastination” isn’t the correct word to use, but the other stuff I found isn’t that great either. Maybe “efficiency” would work too, but there’s already a daily flash about efficiency (in the engineering sense). This happens a lot (like today, specifically); I’ll think “Oh, I’ll just do my work really quickly so I’ll have more time to do stuff later.” And then later, I’m incredibly bored and have nothing to do with a lot of time left before the day is over, and then I start thinking about how pointless everything is, and that’s never good.

There, I pretty much just summarized the whole idea behind today’s daily flash, so if you read this text before watching (“reading” would probably be more accurate) the daily flash, it has been spoiled. Not that it really matters, though. Anyway, here‘s a random link to the daily flash about procrastination, because it’s related. Or it would be, if I ever get around to finishing it.

Earth Day

Today is Earth Day! (Or yesterday was, depending on your timezone) I didn’t really bother doing anything to show that I cared about the environment, except… well, not throwing trash on the floor, but I do that every day. Anyway, the fact that today was Earth Day wasn’t really mentioned that much in school, except on a bunch of posters that nobody really spoke about except maybe one person. And to avoid turning this into a post about the social implications of Earth Day (as if Headphones Character’s monologue wasn’t enough already), I will end this post after this sentence is finished, which will be now.

Photoelectric Effect

I really do spend too much time writing these fake newspaper articles. But it’s fun, so that’s fine. Also, if I hadn’t decided to make this daily flash, I would not have looked up the photoelectric effect on Wikipedia and I would not have known that it was discovered by Heinrich Hertz, who has a nifty SI unit named after him.

They probably stopped calling it the Hertz effect because then there would be two things named after him, which we all know can’t ever happen because it’s completely impossible. Or maybe because “photoelectric effect” is a name that actually says something the effect itself, rather than about the person who discovered it. Because it has to do with photons which are part of electromagnetic radiation.