PC-98 Marisa

Added PC-98 Marisa to create.swf! Well, the one with blonde hair, anyhow. For the red haired Marisa, I’m sure you can recolor one of the existing hairstyles. Also added a bunch of objects (including lemonade-stand-related things and a kendama), and new eyes (blindfold, cat-like eyes). And most importantly… rain! Select an object and choose the “Rain!” option to make it rain that object. Here’s Thefre’s changelog:

-You can turn objects into rain by pressing R with an object targeted.

As usual, post technical errors/suggestions on Thefre’s site, and art-related suggestions here.



Here’s a Touhou version of the Mahoromatic OP (yet another anime I’ve never seen), with Sakuya.

Kenda Marisa (and catfall)

I found this video today. I don’t really get it (or what she’s doing), but the animation’s nice.

In other news, here’s some cats falling. I made this for no apparent reason earlier today at the computer center (the one I’m volunteering at), then I sent it to myself through the power of email and added some more cats when I got home. I don’t really know what this is for, but it’s cool, and I haven’t made these kinds of flashes in awhile. Interestingly, the swf file is only 1.4kb!

Peer Pressure

All the cool kids are doing it!


Has anyone actually seen a lemonade stand in real life? I sure haven’t. How do I know they even exist outside of fictional childrens’ stories?