マリサスF OP 【東方×マクロスF】

Just found this today: a Touhou parody of the Macross F OP. I’ve never watched Macross F (same with most of the other Touhou parodies I find), but this is quite awesome, except for the low framerate which makes it seem a lot less smooth.

In other unrelated news, I’ll be volunteering at a computer resource center for the next few weeks because I need volunteer hours for school. I’m guessing it’ll be pretty fun, because like… there are computers there. Except I guess it’d also mean less time to work on flash stuff. But then again, some of the computers there do have Adobe Flash CS3 on them, so yeah. Although I doubt that’d count as volunteering.

Are they U.N.Owens?

More old stuff! Flandre’s theme goes well with everything.

Remilia EWI


Well it was uploaded a few days ago so it’s kinda old news now, but I’m gonna post it anyway. Another awesome musical danmaku video by Winn!

In other news, I think I’m gonna take a break from making daily flashes for awhile, because it’s getting kinda hard to come up with ideas for them (it’s hard to come up with interesting real-life based ideas when all I do is stay at home all day). Anyway, I’ll be using that time and effort to focus instead on making some sort of Touhou flash, probably something SWR-related. I don’t know if I’m gonna bother to make walking animations for all the characters, so I might just stick with the still-image-with-a-wavy-walking-path animation from the old flashes.


So yeah, how about those telemarketers? I actually did this once; I let the person talk for like three minutes until there was silence, and then I just hung up.


Doesn’t it feel so silly when it happens to you in real life? And you’re like “why do I even care so much about something that someone else did?” Well anyway, the flash isn’t that funny, but it’s mostly true.