

Here’s more Yukkuri-head stuff.


Added Parsee Mizuhashi to create.swf, along with a “Just as Planned” smile, as suggested here. Since Parsee doesn’t have a hat, I added a headset as a hat.

Also in this update, Thefre has added the “clusterize” function, which can turn objects into danmaku clusters! Place an object on the stage and select “clusterize” in the object’s menu to turn it into a cluster. You can access the options menu of the cluster in the menu as well, where you can change stuff like rotation, number of rows/columns, distance between objects, and some other stuff. The function also works with non-traditional danmaku objects as well, which means you could make some cat danmaku if you wanted. Just a warning: if you put waaaaay too many rows or columns in a cluster, it might crash your browser (or at least make it really slow).

Oh yeah, and Thefre has put a “create.swf” section on his site, so the project is more organized. Post any technical errors or suggestions you have there, and art/content based stuff here.


Hooray, it’s July 4th, and whatnot. Yeah.

Character redesigns

No, it’s not a new Touhou flash. Well, not yet, anyway. I don’t actually have any ideas at this moment, but I’ve decided to redraw the characters to make them more organized and actually animated. In the flashes, Meiling’s (And Marisa’s) create.swf-ish style doesn’t really go well with the other characters in my opinion, and the scale for the different characters don’t really match up well, so I decided I might as well just redraw some characters so they fit together nicely and so the image quality of each character is about the same. And I might as well give them walking animations too, rather than making a still image move around in a wavy path.

Anyhow, here’s the first two redrawings: Reimu and Marisa. There are some characters who I kinda want to keep the way they are (Specifically Yuyuko, Nitori, and Chen… maybe Yukari and Ran as well; I kinda liked how their graphics turned out), but I guess I’ll just try to make them as similar as possible to the older versions. I might be using these redrawn characters in later flashes, once I get some ideas. Oh yeah, I also upped the framerate to 24 fps (the framerate for Touhou flashes used to be 12), so it’ll probably look a lot smoother too.

Edit (July 4, 2008 @ 1:49PM):

Well, after reading the comments, I’ve decided to just use the old graphics as a starting point this time. Here’s Reimu again, in the old style, with a walking animation. The arms and legs were redrawn, as well as the moving hair/ponytail. The walking animation is a bit weird, but I guess I can figure it out eventually.


Oh boy, music! In other news, I changed the site background colors and banner for a more summery mood, although it may be a bit more “autumn” than “summer.” If you see any weird things going on with the colors, it’s probably just me changing them, and you can just refresh (ctrl+F5 if it still seems odd after a normal refresh). The banner comes from this wallpaper by Kazuhane. I’d probably use it as my wallpaper if the resolution were bigger.