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Videos for Sept 27, 2009

Earlier this week (or, actually yesterday) there was a Nicovideo Touhou festival of some sort, and a bunch of nifty videos were uploaded! Here they are! First one is an animation collaboration by a bunch of different artists (very awesome), then an EWI video by Winn, two separate videos based on Evangelion and Higurashi (in that order), some 3D videos involving the SDM and Utsuho vs Reimu (in that order), and a video by Noya based on a Silver Forest song (Based on the Kirby Sand Canyon song). There are also some other nice videos that got uploaded but couldn’t be found on YouTube (they were deleted), and those can be found as links at the end of the post. Also a video by Cirno is a Genius, though that wasn’t part of the festival.

???????????????? Unidentified Morphing Spheres


??????21??? ? Innocent Treasures?????????


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Moving Colors

Here’s some random thing I made awhile ago. It’s not really supposed to be anything but a bunch of colors moving about in a fixed pattern.

In regards to college, today was a pretty easy day; only had one class. But then when I decided to start doing my homework, I realized it was kinda difficult to do textbook practice problems without actually having the textbook. Earlier I resorted to using my camera to take pictures of the questions from my friends’ textbooks, and that works okay. However, I forgot about the fact that I probably wouldn’t know how to do some of the questions, so I didn’t take any pictures of the actual chapters themselves. I guess I’ll just be lost until the ordered textbooks arrive in the mail. The good thing is that homework isn’t checked or collected or anything like that, but not understanding things now will just make it harder to understand things later on! Textbooks… bleh.

Oh yeah, and the folks over at the Spanish blog Touhou no Sekai have put together a bunch of Walfas screensavers, so if you want to check those out, go ahead. The download links are on the page, around where it says “Rapidshare” and “Megaupload.”

First Day of Classes

Well, Cirno Day is coming to an end soon (and in most places it’s already over), so here’s a sad Cirno. But don’t worry, there is another one coming up in 100 years! Or 90 years, if you would like to count 9/9/99.

In any case, today was the first actual day of college classes for me. It was a long day going from 9AM to 8PM, but there were two 2-hour breaks in that time period, so it didn’t feel quite as long as it was (Plus, one of the one-hour classes was canceled for some unknown reason). But anyhow, I didn’t really have any time to really make anything today, which, by the way, is why the Cirno Day post was actually on the 8th, because I expected to not have any time today! So many textbooks to get… they have been ordered, but won’t arrive until about a week from now, so I guess I will have to rely on the school library or take pictures of the problems in other peoples’ textbooks until then. And… yeah. Bleh.

Videos for Sept 6, 2009

Today’s videos post: a Scarlet Devil Mansion video (with Sakuya throwing knives at various people) set to the tune of Night of Nights, another one of those ZUN art things, another [colored] version of that characters-falling-off-a-cliff thing from last week, an Cirno edit of Tomo from Azumanga Daioh (saying “baka” repeatedly), Yuyuko doing some sort of food dance, Sakuya vs Sanae, Suwako, and Kanako, and then two more Mesopota videos.

????The ?????????




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So here’s an obligatory daily flash about cruises. Since I was on one yesterday. It’s kinda boring though (just like an actual cruise)! Anyway, in unrelated (but actually somewhat related) news, today was the last day of college orientation and we had a 30-minute diagnostic essay-writing thing. Apparently it’s to assess where each of us are as writers, and doesn’t actually affect our grades at all. And once that was over, we got to leave! Actual classes start next Tuesday, but I don’t have classes on Tuesday, so I get to go back on Wednesday (which I guess is Cirno Day)! Now I have five days of no classes! Five! That’s almost… yeah.

Oh wait, I just remembered! It was weird… last night when I was lying in bed trying to sleep, somehow I felt as if the room was rocking back and forth like the boat was earlier. It was weird. Very weird.