Waiting for Elevators

I don’t really know why Unnamed Character and Long-haired Character need to go to the sixth floor of whatever building that is, but it was just an excuse to have them attempt to use the elevator. And that brings me to the main topic: when you wait for something (such as waiting for an elevator to arrive) for a seemingly long time and think “I shouldn’t bother waiting anymore” and do something else (such as going up the stairs), but then you find out that the thing you were waiting for just happened. Yes, that’s pretty much an explanation of the entire daily flash. That sort of stuff happens more often than it should, which is annoying. And yes, I sorta ran out of ideas.

Consecutive Numbers

Well I guess it’s actually more about having times/dates that have an interesting combination of numbers. Though most of the time I just notice when it’s consecutive, like 12:34, or when they’re all the same, like 11:11 or the upcoming 9/9/09 (Or to make it look nicer, 09/09/09). That also reminds me that date structures (or whatever they’re called) can get confusing sometimes, especially online, because it’s not always MM/DD/YY, which is what I’m used to. More confusing if the day and month (and also the year, if it’s two digits) are both below 12, and I don’t know which one is the month and which is the day. And yeah.

Buying Used Stuff

I don’t really buy used stuff that often, and my reasoning is similar to Headphones Character’s. The only times I can remember buying something used would be for books that aren’t available at libraries (such as textbooks).

Though recently I bought a used textbook online and it had the name of a library imprinted on the pages and some numbered labels on the spine, with some poorly-ripped labels on the back, leading me to believe it was stolen from a library. But the library is all the way in another state, and I don’t feel like doing anything about it, especially since I (well, actually my parents) already paid for it and it’s from so far away. So yeah, be cautious when buying used stuff.

Continue reading ‘Buying Used Stuff’

Borrowing Pencils

Okay, I don’t really like this one that much, but I just want to say that it’s kinda annoying when people borrow pencils or pens and don’t return them. Usually I start a school year with a full set of brand new pencils, and in a few weeks, I have two or three left. Most of the time I forget to ask people for the pen/pencil back at the end of class, but it should really be the borrower’s responsibility to return it. Sometimes people say things like “I’ll give it back after the next class” but never do, and that’s even more annoying. However, there are some people who will always give a pencil back even after forgetting to do so at the end of class, and they’ll hold on to it until the next time they see you, and those people are awesome.

I don’t know where I’m going with this rant, but I doubt it’s that interesting to most people (reading over it, I realized it probably makes me sound really angry, but it’s more of a minor annoyance, if anything). This didn’t happen recently or anything, but I just thought it needed to be addressed, because it is a very serious problem that runs rampant in a society where people borrow or lend writing utensils. Well, it’s not that serious.

Videos for July 5, 2009

Today’s video post: Completed version of the SDM K-On! OP and a Sakuya version of the “Greatest freak out ever” video that’s been popular on Nicovideo recently (And I’m guessing YouTube also). There are a few Freakout/Touhou music mashup videos, but I never bothered posting them, because… well, I find the whole thing to be a bit weird. However, a Sakuya-rotoscoped version is fine.



(Nicovideo / Original)

And unrelated to Touhou (but somewhat related because it’s Marasy), here‘s Marasy playing RED ZONE on the piano.