Though recently I bought a used textbook online and it had the name of a library imprinted on the pages and some numbered labels on the spine, with some poorly-ripped labels on the back, leading me to believe it was stolen from a library. But the library is all the way in another state, and I don’t feel like doing anything about it, especially since I (well, actually my parents) already paid for it and it’s from so far away. So yeah, be cautious when buying used stuff.
I don’t know where I’m going with this rant, but I doubt it’s that interesting to most people (reading over it, I realized it probably makes me sound really angry, but it’s more of a minor annoyance, if anything). This didn’t happen recently or anything, but I just thought it needed to be addressed, because it is a very serious problem that runs rampant in a society where people borrow or lend writing utensils. Well, it’s not that serious.
Today’s video post: Completed version of the SDM K-On! OP and a Sakuya version of the “Greatest freak out ever” video that’s been popular on Nicovideo recently (And I’m guessing YouTube also). There are a few Freakout/Touhou music mashup videos, but I never bothered posting them, because… well, I find the whole thing to be a bit weird. However, a Sakuya-rotoscoped version is fine.
And unrelated to Touhou (but somewhat related because it’s Marasy), here‘s Marasy playing RED ZONE on the piano.
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