Videos for Apr 5, 2009

Today’s videos: A Scarlet Devil Mansion band with Flandre as the dancer (and it’s actually set to music, unlike my looped band flashes from awhile ago!), KK Slider (From Animal Crossing) singing Cirno’s Perfect Math Class, TAMusic playing Phantom Ensemble, a short animation (that is looped for a very long time) by Urushi and Matsushita except they’re drawing the other person’s usual character, marasy playing Necrofantasia on the piano, and a… Mokou thing. The marasy video is actually from a few weeks ago and the Mokou thing was from last year, but I’ll post them anyway because they’re awesome and haven’t been posted on here yet. I don’t really know why I linked to a Wikipedia article about 2008 either.





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Zombie Fairy

Added Zombie Fairy to create.swf as a character! Interesting that she gets added as a character before Shanghai is, but that’s how it worked out! Anyway, because of Sanae, these preview images are getting increasingly violent. Also, Boxing Chen wins the fight! Turns out they were moving in slow motion for the past few weeks.

Also, there’s this.

Yuyuko Dance

Yuyuko steps and claps! This one was really rushed, since it took a lot longer than I expected it to. You can kinda tell when she turns to her right, since it doesn’t really look too smooth. And there’s the issue with the line in the hair not being there. I guess I’ll fix it tomorrow or something Fixed.

Fiber Optics

I guess this could be considered a follow-up to the total internal reflection flash because fiber optics uses it to send information. Yes, the beginning is some more educational stuff! Click here if you would like to learn more about how fiber optic cables actually work! It’s interesting! Also, in the end, Long-Haired character is actually flickering that flashlight a billion times per second, but we just can’t see it because it’s so fast. Well, either that or she’s not really doing any flickering at all. You decide!

April Fools’ Day 2009

Tewi and Reisen are back again for some more April Fools’ Day… uhh… foolishness. Mystia is involved in some way as well. Unlike last year’s delayed April Fools’ Day thing, this one actually loads and plays! Really!