Kaguya Keychains

As posted on ddiction.org (English version here), Talka will be attending Fuhai Komachi 5, where he will be selling these Mini-Kaguya+Twuck keychains (in addition to some previous stuff)! For those who are unfamiliar, it’s from this really old flash which is a completely made up version of why Kaguya and Mokou dislike each other. The booth location will be at D21b. Yes, that’s D21b. And yeah, that’s basically it, I guess.

Also, it’s a bit late, but anyone who wants to see images of Reitaisai and the ddiction booth can see Talka’s post on ShrineMaiden.

Videos for Mar 15, 2009

Today’s video post consists of… an EWI/Piano video brought to you by Winn, Samidare, and Alioth, that animation project by this group (I don’t really know if it’s okay include it in this post, but it’s up on Nicovideo and hasn’t been removed, so yeah), a PV based on that one COOL&CREATE song with the rabbits, a Hammer version of Cirno’s Perfect Math Class, TAMusic playing Cirno’s theme, a Youmu version of the Night of Nights… thing (I’d say “dance” but it’s not really a dance), a Flandre vs Yuugi video (I’m not really sure why they’re fighting in the first place, but they are), a strange video that utilizes ZUN art (see this also), and a McDonalds version of the most recent Locker Room Production Cirno video (I’m not a big fan of the McDonalds things either but I’ll include it anyway).

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Continue reading ‘Videos for Mar 15, 2009’


Added Kogasa, her multi-colored eyes, and her umbrella to create.swf! If you are a human, you should be surprised by this!

Nazrin’s Training

After the Orin incident, Nazrin decides to undergo some physical training in preparation for her next cat confrontation. If I had more time, I would have drawn her swinging her dowsing rods around like swords, but I didn’t, so I basically only animated one thing and then reused it. Hooray for reusing parts of animations! Also, if you notice, I’ve been using these repeating backgrounds somewhat often, and that is because they are awesome.

Also, this is post ID #700, if that means anything. And it doesn’t really, aside from the fact that it is a multiple of 100, which seems to be important sometimes for whatever reason. And it’s also Friday the 13th again! Yeah!

March 12

Yeah, I don’t know. One of those daily flashes with random scribbles again. Except I don’t think this one’s really that good.