Mean Value Theorem

Yeah, I had no idea where I was going with this one, so it just turned out to be… not very interesting. The idea seemed a lot more interesting in class, I guess. Oh well. It’s just another one of those “applying math concepts to real life situations” things, like this or possibly this (but not really). Anyway, that was the exact “real-life” problem we went over in class today.



Lineless Reimu and Marisa

Here’s one of those random experimental things I do sometimes. I drew Reimu and Marisa on paper, and I decided to scan it and trace over it with the line tool (I usually use the brush tool) and bucket tool, and then I removed the lines. The walk cycle sorta reminds me of this, because… it’s not that good. Anyway, I’m not really planning on doing anything with these graphics, it’s just something I felt like doing. Here‘s what they look like with lines, if you’re wondering.

Also, here’s a wallpaper.


Added Gengetu to create.swf! I’m posting this after midnight so I won’t have to post something tomorrow. Oh wait, I mean later today. Because it’s Sunday now.

東方 in the walfas

Someone on Nicovideo made a Walfas MAD with a bunch of stuff from the various flashes on the site. It uses a lot of cool camera effects. And it’s awesome. Anyway, I tried uploading it to YouTube but the audio failed to sync, so it’s just on Nicovideo for now. Here’s the video on YouTube.

In other news, the weekly create.swf update will come later today (or probably after midnight, eastern time).