東方ポップン郷EX U.N.オーエンは彼女なのか?


From what I understand, this is a Pop’n Music… thing. I don’t know anything about rhythm games (because I have no rhythm) but this is pretty cool. And also confusing.

Centripetal force




Well, the entire senior grade had a hiking trip today. We took the Metro-North train to some place upstate, and then we hiked. It was a very long hike. And everyone was tired. I took too many pictures on the train, so my camera ran out of batteries before we even got to the hill (it was more like a small mountain), so I didn’t get any pictures of the view at the top, which is a shame because it was a really nice view. I basically spent the entire trip regretting the fact that I didn’t recharge my camera’s batteries the night before. We ate lunch at the top, and then walked down on a different path, for some reason. It took a long time to get down, mostly because we had no idea where we were going.

We missed the 3 o’ clock train by about fifteen minutes, so we had to wait for the 4 o’ clock one. Everyone was sweaty and thirsty, so a bunch of us went to some ice cream store to get some drinks… and ice cream. That line in that place was super long, and may have possibly been that store’s busiest day ever. We got on the train, and I saw all these signs that said “Watch the gap” that I wanted to take pictures of, but I couldn’t because of my lack of batteries. I got someone else to take a picture of it, though (I told them not to ask why). We got back to the city at 5 something, and then I went home and slept for like two hours. It’s a good thing I finished most of my homework yesterday.

Anyway, no daily flash for today, just this drawing.

Roller Coasters

The current financial crisis is all because some high school calculus students failed to make a roller coaster function that is differentiable everywhere. Because everyone knows that the economy depends on the success of fictional amusement park roller coasters.

Columbus Day

Happy Columbus Day Canadian Thanksgiving, everyone!