Cirno Throw

I don’t really know why I made this, actually. I guess I had nothing else to do. But anyway, it’s based on the actionscript on this site with some slight changes. Drag/drop/toss Cirno! The directional arrows on your keyboard do stuff too. There’s not much else you can do because I didn’t really add anything other than Cirno, but with the power of imagination… no wait, there still isn’t much else to do.

In other news, I will be taking late-administration-date AP exams for the next two days! Tomorrow is Calculus BC and the next day is Physics B (even though I won’t get college credit for Physics B if I do well on it). And I have to be at school at 7:30AM, which is about an hour and a half earlier than I would normally start school (just like when I had zero-period gym!), so I should probably go to sleep earlier.


Webfilters! They are quite annoying especially when you have to do research on a potentially controversial topic in school. Or I guess if you just want to play games, or in some instances, browse this website (it’s blocked at my school for being a “social networking / personal site” or something similar). Interestingly enough, pixiv is blocked at my school, yet Twitter isn’t. How the heck does that even happen?

I guess everyone at school uses Facebook or MySpace or something, so there probably aren’t many people going on Twitter. But I’m sure even less people at school go on pixiv (or even know what it is), so I’m surprised it’s blocked. Anyway, yeah. The daily flash itself isn’t that great, but it does serve as a conversation tool! The topic of discussion is your experience with webfilters! Go!

In related news, I totally made up that “Weblock” thing and the logo, and I thought it was clever because it can be “lock” or “block”! But unsurprisingly, weblock turns out to be a real thing. Maybe not exactly a webfilter, but similar.

Donating Blood

I realized recently that I haven’t made a daily flash in awhile (since the end of April; I guess the daily flash characters were temporarily affected by swine flu or something). Anyway, yeah. Blood drives. They hold them at school every once in awhile, but I’ve never donated because I get uneasy at the fact that a pint seems like a lot of blood. Well, basically my view is summed up by Headphones Character’s brief explanation.

Videos for May 17, 2009

Only four videos this week, and I don’t even know if the last two are even recent. The first one is probably old news by now too; it’s another EWI video from Winn, starring Iku. The second video is hammer of nights, with… well, hammers. The third one is from TAMusic, and I can’t find the original video on Nico, so I can’t tell if it’s old or not, but it was uploaded to YouTube this week. Last one is most likely old — a Sakuya PV, I’m guessing it was included in a DVD of some sort. Anyway, there are a few newer videos I’ve seen, but most of them were uploaded today, so I guess I’ll include them in the next video update.





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Create.swf – Reimu (Revised)

Added a revised version of Reimu to create.swf. There are also some new objects, and a motorcycle helmet as a hat. There’s no real plot going on in the image previews as of now, so I guess it’s just random things happening. Anyway, speaking of Reimu, I have no idea where I got the dark blue hair from (for the original create.swf Reimu, as well as… almost every other time I have drawn Windows Reimu) when it’s very clearly brown or black in the official images. I guess when I first started, I must have seen some fanart or something where her hair was tinted blue and went from there.