Photo IDs

So today was the first day of college orientation! People had their photos taken today, but I already had a photo ID from the summer course I took, so all I really had to do was get a “Fall” sticker placed on top of the “Summer” sticker that was already there. Anyhow, we got our schedules today, and the good news is that I don’t have classes on Tuesdays and only one class on Thursdays. The bad news is that two out of five days, there’s a class that goes all the way to 8PM! And I thought getting out at 4PM in high school was bad… Oh well, at least there’s a bunch of breaks in between. Though I’m sure I’ll get incredibly bored quickly (or perhaps inundated with work to do). Anyhow, I don’t know yet how this will affect how often I make daily flashes or other stuff, but I guess we’ll see. It’ll probably be a lot harder to keep up though.

And… oh right, photo IDs. Yeah, most people don’t tend to like how their photos turn out. And that’s all.

End of Summer

Agh, August is just about over (or maybe it’s already over depending on what timezone you’re in). Every summer vacation, I always get a sense that I didn’t really do anything interesting, even if I actually did. There’s always the feeling that summer vacation is too short, and when it’s about to end, you go “What? It’s ending already?” regardless of whether or not you did anything interesting. If you spend your summer doing interesting things, you won’t want the fun to end, and if you spend your summer doing nothing, you want the vacation to be longer so that you’ll have more time to spend not doing anything. Interesting how that works out. Well anyhow, college orientation starts tomorrow, so my summer vacation is over today! And for the people who still have time to waste before they have to go back do doing stuff… I envy you!

Oh yeah, and I couldn’t think of anything easy-to-draw interesting thing to do besides hang-gliding, so Headphones Character’s memories may be a bit lacking in interestingness. But be assured that she had fun.

Videos for Aug 30, 2009

A bunch of nifty videos today! The first three are from Mesopota, then there’s one by Locker Room Production for an Innocent Key song (about homework), a video by Urushi mimicking those animations at the top of Nicovideo pages but with Touhou characters, another Night of Nights (though it says “Night of Knights”) cover by Souryu, something involving a cliff, a weird video, followed by a Sakuya-themed story, then some piano playing by TAMusic and Phystri.

Heartful Nekoromancer

Neko-Miko Reimu

Continue reading ‘Videos for Aug 30, 2009’

Create.swf – Komachi (Revised)

Added a revised version of Komachi to create.swf. Revised Komachi is waaay more detailed than the old version. Also added a revised version of her scythe (one that bends around inconveniently, much like Elly’s scythe, but not as inconvenient) and a Tori as objects. Oh yeah, and a new mouth (a more extreme version of the already-existing nosebleed). I think that’s all.

Free Stuff

It certainly is back-to-school shopping time! I don’t particularly need to do any shopping since I have tons of stuff left over from the last time it was back-to-school shopping time. Anyhow, the nearby Staples store always has a ton of free stuff around this time, like folders, erasers, sharpeners, and pencil cases, and they’re never really that good and don’t last that long, but they’re free!! Free stuff is always nice.